Simply do I naively wish that I can protect you from the pains the world may impose on you. But I also do know that no one is exempt from the rites of passage of journeying towards our own perfection.
And so I do my utmost to ready you to soar with the winds of life-out-yonder.
In that spirit, I gift to you my life lessons. May they serve as one of the many torches that illuminate your path.
And as the written word is how my soul sings the song of the universe, I hope these words shall always accompany you my love … as you journey through the peaks and troughs of be-coming; stumble and soar as you explore the contours of your own humanity and womanhood; and learn to be at home with the songs your soul is meant to sing.
My favourite season is autumn ~ a time that beckons beautiful rhythm of rituals to still the being, and prepare the richness of Spring for the secret work of Winter.
This is what my 40’s feel to me.
A time of settling into the home of me, where I can gaze back with exquisite kindness at my insecure 20’s and my wanna-be 30’s. A time where I am beginning to feel like I actually know a thing or two. A beautiful cocooning of my awakening to the me that’s been there all along.
So here are 10 lessons I’ve learned the hard way …
So know that an autumn homecoming awaits you my love, and let not the angst of be-coming, rob you of the joy of the journey and the anticipation of crossing the threshold back into your essence.
Look forward to your 40’s. It’s a beautiful homecoming 🌹
1) When life seems overwhelming, read Rumi …
2) When you wonder about your purpose in life, read Mary Oliver …
3) Before you commit to marry, read Gibran …
4) To keep you centered, read Kipling …
5) When you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, remember Dr. Seuss …