Everything you run away from eventually catches up! Instead, try eating more C.A.K.E.S.

It has only taken 4 decades to learn that it’s better to use the “running away” energy to eat more CAKES! Because no matter how far or fast you run, it always catches up — strange but true!
Of course, not the type that makes you fat. Instead these cakes are guilt-free, but do be cautioned that they can be quite addictive and may even give you a psychedelic trip!
CAKES stands for Curiosity, Authenticity, Kindness, Enable and Service — and here’s how it works.

Be genuinely Curious about how and why the person / situation upsets you. Curiosity has a strange way of smartening you up to explore a wider range of alternative perspectives.
Be Authentic about how you feel. Suppressing your emotions will only intensify it. Permit yourself to feel it, but don’t identify with it. Instead, regard your emotions as data-points.
Be Kind to yourself as you observe yourself experiencing the ups & downs, and extend to your self the same exquisite and life-affirming tenderness and gentleness you would a beloved.
And when you are ready, Enable yourself with new skills, mindset and perspectives to move on. And the fastest way to do this is to focus on one small step at a time.
Lastly, be of Service to the person / situation because more often than not, there is a deep unmet need that is triggering the action. Not because you’re the “better human-being” but because you truly care.